This abstract art is inspired by the aesthetics of WASSILY KANDINSKY, the revolutionary of 20th century abstract painting. His art is characterized by the use of orderly yet often muted tones, shapes and forms that evoke a deep emotional response. This piece brings together the same concepts but translates them into its own unique vision, creating a captivating creation that draws the viewer in.
The ochre hues combined with the intricate linework creates a bold statement that is both peaceful and stimulating. The deep blue accents provide an interesting contrast to the rest of the artwork, elevating the earthy tones and giving it an edge. The overall effect of the painting creates a harmonious feeling that resonates with the viewer.
This abstract art inspired by WASSILY KANDINSKY is sure to be a conversation starter in any home or office. This piece brings together tones and shapes from the Old World and melds them with a vibrant and modern energy. It’s the perfect way to add an artistic element to any space, both traditional and modern. #abstractart #artwork #WASSILYKANDINSKY #blues #ochre #OldWorld #Modernart #intricatelinework #captivatingcreation #contrastingtones #harmoniousfeeling #conversationstarter